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Juneteenth Light

Tia's Tips: Summer is here and brings a new line up of holiday with it. Take time to create cards that reflect all the holiday's you celebrate and challenge yourself to make some for those you don't!

The Paper Shelter Challenge #601-Summer Activities

Digital Image: Magical Light

Come Join the Challenge!

Here's how to join the fun! Up for grabs at The Paper Shelter  is a fantastic prize! Our winner will win 6 products of their choice from The Paper Shelter store- if they've used a Paper Shelter product on their entry (such as the pre-colored image, the black and white digi, or the digital paper that comes in the set). Or win 3 digis of their choice, if they've used images from another brand. This is a win-win! Plus, you can enter the challenge up to 3 times, provided you've used a Paper Shelter product on at least one of them. Good Luck!!!

My Card Details

This week's challenge theme is " Summer Activities". My family and I celebrate what has only recently become a recognized American Federal holiday- Juneteenth.

This American holiday is a celebration commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African American in the United States.

President Abraham Lincoln declared enslaved people to be free on January 1, 1863. But it was not until June 19, 1865 that Union troops arrived in Galveston, Texas and announced Federal orders freeing more than 250,000 enslaved people.

Thus cementing June 19th as Freedom Day or Juneteenth.

On this day, my family and extended family come together, much like any other holiday, and share a meal. We remember those family members no longer with us and celebrate our family strengths through the years.

It is a wonderful time of remembrance, listening to the stories of older relatives who remind us of the struggles African Americans have gone through and continue to fight for.

Some years we have celebrated in Parks or attended food fairs and concerts.

I've shared this bit of history as I know I have followers from other countries. And even sharing the importance of this day to my followers here in the United States who may not understand this holiday.

For the last few years I have also been celebrating by creating a card in honor of Juneteenth.

This year, I was so pleased with the Card Challenge falling on this holiday. I had "Magical Light" saved to use for a Christmas Card, but realized she would also make a perfect Juneteenth card.

At the recent Scrapbook and Stamp Expo I picked up a pack of Bib Overlay cards. Although they are 4.25 x 5.5, it was too small for my image. I duplicated the card and created one 4 x 6.5.

I choose this card fold so I could highlight the date in the "bubble".

The colors of the card are symbolic in the celebration of the holiday.

Red: Blood of the lives lost.

Black-The melanin and soil of African.

Green-Prosperity .


I used the Celebration die from Riley & Company and used the shadow layer in both black and then doubled it to shadow again in green.

My Copic selection stayed in theme:

Yellow: Y11; Y15; YR23

Green: YG25; YG17; YG67

Hair: YR24; E79; E59; E23

Skin: E23; E25; E27; E29

Red: R35; R27; R29

Black: N2, N4, N6, N8

Gray: C2, C4, C6 and W3

Thank you for following along today! I appreciate you so much and hope I've inspired you to create cards honoring all the special days in your life!

I'd also love to see your Summer Activities card, so make sure to get it posted to the team blog here:

If you aren't a follower, please scroll to the bottom of the page and join me and my Craftia creations!

I can also be found on Instagram: #rockymtncraftia  

and on Facebook: Tia Boswell 

Until next time! Go Get Crafty!


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